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covermyplane.com is a trading style of Sandham, Davies & Jones Ltd, 33 Bridge Street, Newport, NP20 4BH
Tel: 01633 213063 Web: www.covermyplane.com
Company Registration Number 4607199, Authorised and Regulated by the FCA, Registration Number 229652

Independent broker for Fixed and Rotor Wing

covermyplane.com is the aviation arm of Sandham Davies & Jones Ltd, an independent insurance broker with roots dating back to the 1970s. Unlike many other firms, Sandham Davies & Jones Ltd is completely autonomous and directly authorised and registered by the FCA.
Over the years covermyplane has insured both Fixed Wing and Rotor Wing aircraft, latterly specialising in high value helicopters where we can offer especially good terms. Cover may be arranged either direct with insurers or, in some instances, with specialist aviation syndicates at Lloyds.
Below you will find Quote Sheets for both aircraft and helicopters. The sheets show the information required to produce a quote, though some data may be gleaned from G-INFO if the registration is known and the aircraft is UK based.